An interesting day as the wind veered to NE then east producing 5 Blue Fulmar among 337 Fulmar, 2 Manx Shearwater, 3 Sandwich Terns and 3 Great Skuas all heading north on the sea watch. An interesting Diver that went north was initially thought to be a Great Northern but following reference to photos of a White-billed Diver seen earlier at Spurn the observer now considers this to be the same bird.
On the land, coverage of the Buckton area revealed 3 Lesser Whitethroat and 5 Yellow Wagtails with a Grasshopper Warbler at nearby Bempton where there was also a Short-eared Owl to entertain the many holiday visitors. On the headland itself there was another Grasshopper Warbler, at least 12, and possibly as many as 16, Wheatear, a Fieldfare, a Tree Pipit at Whelkie Wynds and a Brambling and Common Whitethroat at Old Fall. A Common Buzzard was seen over the village with a Golden Plover also overhead. The Tawny Pipit was reported again though not substantiated by good views. A White Wagtail joined 3 Yellows on Thornwick Pool and a ‘Northeastern’ Jackdaw was in fields between Bempton and Danes Dyke north for its 2nd day. It appears to show characters between the Nordic monedula and Russian soemmerrengii, with quite striking white collar.

A curious and frustrating sighting was of a large pale, probably 2cy falcon of Saker type which flew in off the sea at North Landing and headed towards the lighthouse.