Please consider making a donation or perhaps a gift of money in memoriam. Your gift will help to secure the future of Flamborough Bird Observatory.
If you have valued your association with the Observatory and you would like to ensure the future of wildlife conservation on the Flamborough headland, please consider leaving a legacy in your will. Your gift could achieve so much in helping to ensure that we will be here for future generations to continue monitoring the wildlife of the headland and to provide a warm welcome for those wanting to enjoy and study birdlife in this very special place.
Unlike income from grants, legacy gifts can be used to support essential running costs and help us ensure we can maintain the high standards we have attained in recent years. A gift could also contribute to
the Observatory securing land to manage for wildlife benefit or help maintain our visitor facilities at the Seawatching Observatory and Thornwick Pools. Every amount we receive, large or small,
contributes to the viability and future survival of the Observatory and helps preserve the headland’s special natural habitats.
By leaving a legacy, you may be able to reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax you pay to HMRC. This will depend on the value of your estate after all debts have been paid. Please refer to for the current rates, allowances and rules.
We strongly recommend that you should seek advice from a solicitor or professional legal advisor before making or changing your Will. This will ensure that the wording is precise and clear so that your true intentions can be carried out.
Thank you for considering leaving the Observatory a gift in your will.
For more information or an informal discussion, please contact one of the Trustees.