Daily Log & Archive

Snow Buntings, Cattlemere (Andrew Allport)

Daily Summaries Archive

The daily summaries are a key part of this website and the archive goes back to early 2014. Select the required month and every daily summary will be presented for the period.

Daily Logs

The Observatory maintains three daily logs of all sightings in its recording area on Trektellen and also a blog of the daily highlights of birding in our area. Please send your records and photographs to fborecords@hotmail.com for potential inclusion in our databases.

Trektellen is a vast database of migration counts from across the UK, Europe and elsewhere worldwide.  It provides the capacity to not only record all sightings but also to analyse and compare against localities, previous years etc.  All the Observatory’s counts entered onto Trektellen are also automatically transferred to the BTO’s Birdtrack system. The Observatory’s logs are accessible below:

  1. Flamborough Head Seawatching Log      
  2. Log for Flamborough (east of Danes Dyke) other than seawatching
  3. Log for Bempton Cliffs

The daily highlights are accessible as ‘Latest Highlights’ below which include the last seven days and as from the Highlights Archive which is shown through selecting an entire month or year.