Monday June 1st, 2015

Before the forthcoming storm, the weather was reasonable earlier in the day, with clear skies and some cloud with winds south-west and force 5.

A short session sea-watching produced five Sandwich Tern and three Common Tern north, two Curlew and three ‘sinensis’ Cormorants.

Nothing outstanding, but a good mix of species with the highlights being a family of eight Shelduck and one Ringed Plover at Thornwick Pools. A Spotted Flycatcher was at Old Fall, a White Wagtail at the lighthouse and Wheatear at both Cattlemere and North Cliff Marsh. Other birds present included large numbers of Starling with recently fledged young.

Spotted Flycatcher by Bev Alport
Spotted Flycatcher by Bev Allport