23rd April 2018

A largely overcast day, with a few sunny intervals and feeling cooler in a moderate west-south-westerly wind. During the seawatch, two Whimbrel and 11 Sandwich Terns flew past the Fog Station.

Thornwick Pools hosted a Little Ringed Plover, with a Greenshank again on Stainforth’s Flash. The year’s first Pied Flycatcher was located in South Dykes and the small patch of bushes adjacent to the Lighthouse sheltered a Firecrest all day. Nine Yellow Wagtails and a White Wagtail were also logged, whilst the Ring-necked Parakeet overflew the village early morning.

Greenland Wheatear, Oceanview, by Andy Hood
Firecrest, Lighthouse, by Craig Thomas
Yellow Wagtail, Thornwick, by Brett Richards