21st July 2020

The weather consisted of sunny intervals, a light/moderate north-westerly and temperatures reaching 16 degrees C. During the morning seawatch, 30 Common Scoters, ten Manx Shearwaters, a Little Egret, 29 Sandwich Terns and two Arctic Terns flew north.

Sightings from Thornwick Pools included a Little Egret, three Little Ringed Plovers, two Oystercatchers, ten Dunlin, a Snipe and an adult Mediterranean Gull. Notable sightings at other locations included four Bar-tailed Godwits off Beacon Hill, another Mediterranean Gull and a Short-eared Owl that flew west over Oceanview. A Nuthatch remained in South Dykes, where there were also three Goldcrests. 

Herring Gulls, Flamborough, by Don Hustings