20th May 2020

Sunny throughout, with a light/moderate south-east wind developing during the afternoon and temperatures reaching 19 degrees C. During the seawatch, 30 Common Scoters, four Manx Shearwaters, two Whimbrel and 26 Sandwich Terns flew past the Fog Station.

The scarce overshoot theme continued when a Bee-eater was heard, but remained unseen, over Old Fall at 0925hrs; two Bee-eaters later flew south through Spurn five hours later. Wildfowl interest included an Egyptian Goose, together with single Pintail and Wigeon. Single Marsh Harrier and Hobby were recorded, whilst wader interest was confined to a Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper; the latter sound-recorded over the village during the night of 19th/20th. Passerine interest included one Garden Warbler, a Whinchat, three Wheatear, two Yellow Wagtails, two Grey Wagtails and a couple of Siskin.

Longhorn Beetle (Agapanthia villosoviridescens), by Andy Hood