19th September 2016

Drizzle and grey skies dominated for much of the day. Northbound birds on this morning’s seawatch include two Shelduck, 56 Wigeon, 62 Teal (two south), 35 Common Scoter (50 south), 14 Red-throated Diver (20 south), singles of Great Northern Diver, Sooty Shearwater and Little Egret, three Dunlin, 15 Little Gull, four Arctic Skua (two south) and a Black Guillemot. Southbound only saw 12 Sandwich Tern and a Great Skua.

A Dotterel was discovered just south of Old Fall plantation and was still present on the headland by the afternoon. Elsewhere four Wheatear and a Willow Tit were noted. At South Landing there were 63 Dunlin, 43 Ringed Plover, 12 Sanderling, five Turnstone and a Little Egret.

Dotterel, Cattlemere, by Craig Thomas