19th August 2015

After light rain at the start of the day, the weather brightened and it was sunny with light/moderate southerly winds. During the seawatch, a Balearic Shearwater flew north and later south, 16 Teal went south, 78 Common Scoter moved north and a Ruff flew south along with eight Black-tailed Godwits. Seven Little Gulls flew south, a Long-tailed Skua and seven Arctic Skuas headed north, as did 463 Common Terns, 339 Sandwich Terns and the year’s first Black Tern.

Thornwick Pool attracted 24 Teal, two Wood Sandpipers, three Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper, one Snipe, five Ruff, seven Dunlin and three Knot. A Common Buzzard and a creamcown Marsh Harrier were present on the Outer Head and a juvenile Mediterranean Gull again frequented South Landing. Better still, an adult Caspian Gull sporting a darvic ring was on the Golf Course at dusk.

Passerine migrants, resultant from the heavy rain, included an Icterine Warbler and Red-backed Shrike near the Lighthouse and a Wryneck along Old Fall Hedge. Additional migrants included two juvenile Cuckoos, eight Pied Flycatchers, five Wheatear, two Whinchat, three Redstart, two Garden Warblers and 12 Willow Warblers.

Sightings from Bempton Cliffs RSPB included a Greenshank, single Pied and Spotted Flycatchers and a Garden Warbler. Buckton Pond attracted a Common Sandpiper.

Common Sandpiper, Thornwick Pools, by Craig Thomas
Common Sandpiper, Thornwick Pools, by Craig Thomas
Mediterranean Gull, South Landing, by Brett Richards
Mediterranean Gull, South Landing, by Brett Richards
(bits of) Icterine Warbler, near Lighthouse, by Craig Thomas
(bits of) Icterine Warbler, near Lighthouse, by Craig Thomas