17th April 2019

The weather consisted of light northerly winds, sunny intervals and temperatures that peaked at ten degrees C. During the seawatch, 28 Sandwich Terns flew north and four Whimbrel, 210 Common Gulls and three Arctic Terns headed south.

The headland’s wetlands attracted six Shelduck, 20 Teal, a Merlin, one Golden Plover and two Little Ringed Plovers. An increase in migrant passerines resulted in the following records: 19 Sand Martins, a House Martin, 19 Swallows, four Hooded Crows, eight Redwing, a ‘continental’ Song Thrush, 21 Goldcrests, ten Willow Warblers, 34 Chiffchaff, 23 Blackcaps, the year’s first Common Whitethroats (three) and Common Redstart, a male Black Redstart, eight Wheatears and a Brambling.  

Sightings from RSPB Bempton Cliffs included three Goldcrests, three Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, five Wheatear and a White Wagtail.

Hooded Crows, North Marsh, by Alan Walkington