16th October 2024

Overcast throughout, with occasional showers, a light/moderate south-easterly wind and a high of 13 degrees C. It was another cracking day headlined by the third Red-flanked Bluetail of the autumn and a Dusky Warbler at RSPB Bempton Cliffs and a Pallas’s Warbler (Lighthouse bushes) and Richard’s Pipit (west over Old Fall hedge) on the outer head. Three Siberian Chiffchaffs made landfall, one at Bempton and the others at Thornwick and Old Fall. The long-staying Little Bunting also remained at Thornwick.

Non-passerine migrants included 16 Shelduck, a Pintail, one Merlin, a Water Rail, a Jack Snipe, eight Woodcock and a Short-eared Owl. Passerines included two Cetti’s Warblers, 14 Yellow-browed Warblers, a Firecrest, two male Black Redstarts, eight Ring Ouzels, 15 Brambling and a Snow Bunting.

Four Ring Ouzels were at RSPB Bempton Cliffs, along with the Hawfinch for its second day. Other sightings there included 107 Teal, four Pintail, a Purple Sandpiper, two Yellow-browed Warblers, four Brambling and a Siskin.

Brambling, South Landing, by Jo Hood