16 March 2014

A quiet day on the Cape, the Auks appear to have done what they often do at this time of year, suddenly make a mass exodus from the cliffs, expect them back anytime soon though.  96 Fulmars went north on today’s seawatch and continuing the trend of recent days a Rook and 2 Carrion Crows came in off the sea, surely these are just local movers and haven’t come across from the continent.  Elsewhere the northern Treecreeper was again on show in Millenium Wood and the Woodcock remained at South Landing.

Northern Treecreeper - photo Frank Moffat
Northern Treecreeper – photo Frank Moffat

At Buckton today the wintering Twite flock had increased to 42 individuals, other birds here included 2 Barn Owls, 4 Goldcrest, 3 Snipe, 35 Corn Bunting, a Dunlin on the village pond and a flock of 5 distant ‘grey’ geese NW along the cliff top.

Dunlin on Buckton village pond (Mark Thomas)
Dunlin on Buckton village pond (Mark Thomas)


Twite at Buckton, part of flock of 42 birds.
Twite at Buckton, part of flock of 42 birds  (Mark Thomas)