Today’s seawatch produced a northerly passage of Fulmar which included a “blue” amongst the 441 that passed in almost four hours. Two Rooks and a Redwing came in off the sea and a “sinensis” Cormorant passed south.

Elsewhere there were 29 Teal, a Wigeon and a Pink footed Goose at North Marsh and 32 Pied Wagtails came in to roost at Thornwick Pool. The cliff top set aside between Thornwick and North Dykes held a nice selection of finches and buntings including 14 Reed Buntings, a Corn Bunting, 2 Yellowhammer, 12 Linnet and 8 Goldfinch. There were 10 Skylarks also present in the same area.
The northern Treecreeper was again reported from Millenium Wood and a Chiffchaff singing at South Dykes gave hope for the forthcoming Spring.