15th July 2017 – Moth & Petrel Night

On 15th July, the annual Moth and Storm-petrel ringing evening took place at South Landing. Organised by the East Yorkshire RSPB Local Group,with assistance by Yorkshire Naturalists Union Lepidopterist recorder, the East Yorkshire Ringing Group and FBO, including significant promotion via social media.

A great evening was enjoyed by 85 people. Introductory talks were given by Ana Cowie of YWT and Andrew Lassey of East Yorkshire Ringing Group/FBO. As well as the many moths caught, two Storm-petrels were caught; with the first one at 1am, so a late night all round.

A big thank you to Ana Cowie of YWT for hosting the event in Ant’s absence; also to the keen moth-ers Ian Marshall, Peter Dunn, Mike Pearson, Keith Barrow ,Gill Reid and Lenora Bruce. Another big thank you to Sal Cooke, Brett Richards and Andrew Lassey for the petrel ringing.

Ringing a Storm Petrel, Living Seas Centre