A largely overcast day, with a light south-easterly wind and heavy rain during the morning; temperatures reached eight degrees C. During the seawatch, a Goosander, three Red-throated Divers, three Manx Shearwaters, five Whimbrel, a Bonxie, 21 Sandwich Terns, five Common Terns and an Arctic Tern flew north.
The day’s undoubted highlight was the discovery of Flamborough’s third-ever Woodchat Shrike that spent the afternoon in the vicinity of North Marsh; a Little Grebe was also present. The Short-eared Owl again hunted the Lighthouse Grassland, with a singing Grasshopper Warbler nearby. Additional passerine sightings included 15 House Martins at South Landing, 27 Willow Warblers, a Garden Warbler, one Whinchat and four Wheatear.