Black Redstarts continue to move through the area with two at the fog station early on being joined by a fine adult male in the afternoon. Otherwise it was a continuation of the previous days movements, winter visitors on their way included 30 Fieldfare, 2 Redwing and a Brambling at Ocean View Farm, 3 Brambling in a garden in the village and another on the outer head and two of the Lapland Buntings remaining at Bempton. The sea watch produced a Yellow legged Gull which spent 45 minutes on the sea before heading off north and 2 Goosander which flew also flew north. Lesser black backed Gulls are beginning to come through and there were 4 graellsii and 5 intermedius off the Head. Elsewhere there was a Barn Owl at Ocean View and a Short-eared Owl at Bempton where the auk numbers have begun to grow and the breeding season is showing real signs of getting under way.