A single Hooded Crow was present with Carrion Crows in the fields to the west of Danes Dyke this afternoon visible from Bempton Road also a Common Buzzard seen in the same area with another at Micklemires. North Landing had at least 3 or 4 Scandinavian Rock Pipits amongst the dozen or so Rock Pipits present, it is possible some of these may also have been littoralis as viewing conditions were not ideal (see Martin Garners short note on littoralis Rock Pipits here).
Todays sea watch produced two “blue” Fulmars amongst the 55 counted moving south with a further Fulmar 10 north, there was also a Yellow legged Gull seen on three seperate occasions, last noted heading north. Also from the sea watch point were 25 Shag and 60 Purple Sandpipers.
The two Shelduck remained at Thornwick Pool where there were also 2 Snipe, 2 Teal and a Dunlin. Elsewhere a Pink footed Goose was amongst Greylags in fields beside the North Landing road and a Chiffchaff was singing at South Landing.