18th November 2023

The day began with heavy rain and strong southerly winds, before dryer conditions established including occasional sunny intervals; temperatures reached a maximum of 13 degrees C. A juvenile Pomarine Skua flew north on a seawatch that also featured three Velvet Scoters, 37 Wigeon, 164 Teal, eight Goldeneyes and a Little Gull. The year’s first Egyptian Goose flew south-west over the village early afternoon, while additional wildfowl interest on the headland’s freshwater sites included ten Mute Swans, six Tufted Ducks, 135 Teal, 30 Wigeon and 65 Mallard. Six Waxwings toured the village, while additional migrant interest included two Woodcock and increased numbers of thrushes, including 115 Blackbirds in off over North Marsh alone.

Song Thrush, by Dan Howe