Covid-19 update
Following the government’s announcement on Sunday 10th May 2020, we would like to confirm that our Seawatch Observatory and Thornwick Country Park (including Thornwick Pools and associated hides) remain closed until further notice. In addition, we have regrettably cancelled this year’s Spring Migration weekend.
Governmental advice now states “You can exercise outside as often as you wish and you can also sit and rest outside – exercise or recreation can be alone, with members of your household, or with one other person from outside your household, while keeping two metres apart at all times. You may drive to outdoor publicly accessible open spaces irrespective of distance, but should follow social distancing guidance whilst you are there.” ( website, 13th May 2020).
Please pay careful attention to the wording on the Government’s website here
”To ensure people are social distancing, the government has prohibited by law all public gatherings of more than two people’’ ( website, 13th May 2020). Please consider this statement and how necessary it is for you to travel or twitch, bearing in mind that Flamborough’s birding sites are often popular with tourists.