The 2019 AGM, held on 16th March at Buckton & Bempton village hall, was attended by 43 members.
It was pleasing to report that observatory finances were in robust health. This, despite the recent completion of our most ambitious ever project: the Seawatch Observatory build was completed in November 2018, with an official opening scheduled for summer 2019.
The compilation of the 2018 Report had been completed, with publication expected during May. A total of 244 species were recorded at Flamborough during 2018, although there were no additions to the list. Membership continues to grow, with in excess of 200 members (215) for the first time. Increased ringing effort had been rewarded with a record tally of birds (2928 individuals of 61 species), despite both spring and autumn passage periods being relatively quiet for migrants.
Particularly thanks are due to Ant Hurd from YWT’s Living Seas Centre who provided an update on the exciting local projects that YWT staff are working. In addition, Saskia Wischnewski from the RSPB gave an excellent presentation on the latest seabird tracking information facilitated by recent technology advances.
Following the loss of Fair Isle Bird Observatory to a devastating fire earlier in the month, the membership undertook a raffle to aid their rebuild costs: £615 was raised on the evening, a magnificent effort by all present.
Following food and drinks, the evening ended with an excellent and entertaining live acoustic session by John Law and Sharon Garner, who had very kindly travelled from Spurn.