Overcast throughout, with persistent, but generally light rain throughout daylight hours and a gentle south-south-westerly wind; temperatures reached 16 degrees C. Given the inclement conditions, focus was on seawatching with wildfowl on the move: 505 Common Scoters flew north, with two Shelduck, eight Shoveler and a Tufted Duck heading south. Thirteen Whimbrel and 14 Turnstones also moved south, as did an adult Little Gull and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull. Three Arctic Skuas, an Arctic Tern and 47 Manx Shearwaters were also logged during the seawatch.
Passage was also noted at RSPB Bempton Cliffs, including 120 Common Scoters, two Little Egrets and a Mediterranean Gull flying north-west, while 16 Shelduck, 441 Swifts, a Cuckoo, one Grey Plover and seven Whimbrel tracked south-east. A Wheatear was also in residence.